This is the main site for 4G AccessCube (aka "MeshCube") information, communication and development.
The 4G AccessCube is a new hardware platform dedicated to WirelessLan MeshRouting, developed by 4G Systems, Hamburg, Germany. With a 400MHz MIPS processor, 64MB RAM, 32MB flash and up to 8 MiniPci cards, it is powerful enough to provide excellent security and encryption, and flexible enough for custom applications and modifications. See section HardWare for more details about the hardware.
The software on the AccessCube is nylon, a specialized Linux distribution for WirelessLan and MeshRouting. Its main features are networking in general, WirelessLan, routing, MeshRouting, autoconfiguration, an emphasis on security (IpSec, VPN) and a compact design to fit on the 32MB flash. It is completely licensed under an OpenSource licence and is based on OpenEmbedded (more: NyLon)
Please read the IntroDuction for some basic information about the 4G AccessCube.
We have set up several MailingLists for communication related to the project. Please subscribe! This wiki is free to edit for anyone and currently divided into these main sections:
HardWare - hardware related information and help
SoftWare - software related information and help
DownLoad - download images, packages, sources
MeshRouting - general information about mesh routing
FeatureRequests - add your dream-feature here
WonderfullUsage - illustration of use of the cube on the field
LinKs - related links
Madd has also set up an IRC-Channel for meshcube users: Server, Channel #meshcube
25.10.2005: stable release (1.0): finally an one point ohhh release. features a working madwifi driver with hostapd (WPA/WPA2) and some other fixes and additions. ChangeLog / DownLoad.
20.06.2005: stable release (0.8.1): another minor stable release. most important feature: the prism54 driver works again, and some smaller bugfixes and updates. ChangeLog / DownLoad.
02.05.2005: stable release (0.8): finally the long awaited stable release of nylon. contains a lot of updates and improvements, most notably a new version of the atheros a/b/g driver "madwifi", a new version of hostap, hostapd with WPA/WPA2 support for both drivers, olsrd 0.4.9 and also an improved install-image script (see the ChangeLog). DownLoad.
29.04.2004: server problems: was a victim of a dirty abuse. Therefore we had to shutdown for doing a fresh OS install including all services. Now anything should by fine again, hopefully.
11.01.2005: nylon testing release (0.8pre2): several small fixes and improvements (see: ChangeLog). if there are not any new bugs i hope to release this version as "stable" soon, so please DownLoad, try it, NylonBuild it and report bugs.
23.12.2004: nylon testing release (0.8pre1): Only a small bugfix for the build process.
22.12.2004: nylon testing release (0.8pre): A new testing release is uploading right now. This reflects the major structural changes within OpenEmbedded recently. Also it includes important bugfixes such as fixed bash signal handling as well as I2C kernel support and better image names. And unik-olsrd has be renamed to just olsrd since it is not a "unik" project anymore. Along with this release I have reworked most of the documentation in the Wiki, and hope it is much clearer now. Actually i still hope to be able to release a "stable" version this year.